Review: Pure Fiji Pure Vitamin C Masque

Starting my day sunny and bright always puts me in a much better mood than having a gloomy, dark beginning. And the same applies to waking up with a bright and glowy complexion - that definitely makes me heaps happier than having dull, sad skin! While I do plenty to keep my skin looking fresh, with a mix of lotions, potions and creams (oh my!), I also make sure that I do a little boost with a regular mask to have it looking it's best.


Thanks to a little parcel of goodies I received a while back, I've been using my favourite thing from that trio, and that's the Pure Fiji Pure Vitamin C Masque! This is said to help improve the appearance of pores, fine lines and wrinkles, and it's also supposed to keep the skin smooth and glowing. Touted to help boost hyaluronic acid, even skin tone, fade dark spots, pigmentation and discolouration, as well as stimulate collagen in the skin, while hydrating it, this is seriously one great face mask!

In order to keep your skin feeling and looking it's dewy best, this masque contains plenty of vitamins A, B, C and E. Kakadu plum and lime extracts are both excellent sources of vitamin C, given that these are brimming with it. It also has tons of antioxidants to help combat free radicals, which can damage the skin and speed up the signs of ageing. In addition to all of the above, this is also meant to having anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects, thanks to the coconut oil that's included in it. 

It comes in an opaque screw top jar, making it the perfect design for this product, because it means that the product wouldn't have any exposure to light, which is one thing that can break Vitamin C down quickly. Once you open it, you'll be faced with a white creamy mask that is quite bouncy, and easy to spread over the skin. This thins out nicely, and it leaves the skin with a glistening layer that you can leave on for about 30 minutes.

This doesn't leave my skin feeling tingly, or uncomfortable. Instead, it's like wearing a thicker layer of moisturiser, while waiting for it to work it's magic. Once I've removed it from my skin, it does honestly feel better for having used it! My skin is brighter, with a lit from within luminosity - the perfect boost for anyone who wants skin that glows. This masque retails for $64.95, and you can find them over here. What's your favourite Vitamin C mask?

*This product was provided for editorial consideration


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