Review: Hey Bud Hemp Exfoliator

Happy Sunday, my gorgeous babes! While I've had to slog away this weekend, working at the clinic, at least I got to be surrounded by some super cutie patooties! I also got the chance to see some of the famous light show that is Vivid here in Sydney last night, and today, I'm going to catch up with one of my favourite blogger babes, The Madeup Maiden, who just happens to be in town from Melbourne! There's so much going on right now, and I know that I'm going to be a little tired, come tomorrow, but hey, you only live once, right?


And of course, on that theme, you only get the one life to make sure that you're taking the best care of your skin, and if you're feeling in need of a skincare revamp, there is no time like the present to take care of yourself! Out with the old, and in with the new - skin cells, that is, because I'm talking about Hey Bud's Hemp Exfoliator today. Firstly, It's really nice to see a brand evolve! Hey Bud first came to my attention about 4 years ago, and back then, they only had one product under their belt, their Clay Mask, which I featured over here. Fast forward to now, and they have a whole myriad of goodness available, with eight different products to their name!


I really enjoyed that clay mask back then, so when they reached out to me about trying their exfoliator, I was more than happy to give it a shot! The Hey Bud Hemp Exfoliator has only just dropped recently, and they already have over 50 reviews that average out as 5 out 5 stars, and guess what - I feel the same way too! This is a gentle cream exfoliator that can help even skin tone and exfoliate dry skin, while also reducing the appearance of blemishes, such as blackheads and excess oil.


This relies on a specific concoction of AHAs to help break down the bond between the dead skin cells, while natural cellulose beads help to gently polish the skin, as essential fatty acids aid in nourishing the skin. This cleanser comes in a flip lid tube, making it easy to get the product out. A little squeeze of the the tube yields a small dollop that is sufficient for the face, and I love that this has quite a creamy feel to it, with small gritty particles that are evenly distributed throughout it. This peach coloured cleanser is easy to work into the skin, and it feels gentle around on my face, and I particularly love working it into the pores around my nose.


My skin tolerates this really well, and I love that every time I use this, I feel like I'm zapping the blackheads from my nose! I know that's not quite how that works, but it makes me happy to use this! This is cruelty free, vegan and apparently also sustainable, which I adore! This retails for $34 per tube, and I'm really happy I got the chance to try it out! Hey Bud ticks a lot of boxes for me as a brand, and after two successful product trials, I'm chomping at the bit to try out more from them! What would you like to get your hands on?

*This product was provided for editorial consideration


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