Review: Beautie Galore Silk Exfoliating Glove

Happy Sunday, my little kittens! My week has both been stressful, AND not stressful, so suffice to say, I've very happy that it's the end of the week, and that we're moving closer to me actually having a proper overseas holiday (that is also interspersed with looking after my niece and nephew and arguing with my sister - not making plans for it, but just feels like tradition). Also, I've given up excessive sugar (note: not all sugar, just snacks like lollies and chocolate), and I'm acutely aware that this is the 10th of July, because I'm counting the days until the end of the month. This is also a day of rest, and a time to hangout with some excellent peeps!


My plans for today include me going out for lunch with some gorgeous girls, and then being a lovely little slug for the rest of the day, pampering myself, and generally just doing lots of self care things, one of which will be me using the Beautie Galore Silk Exfoliating Glove! I remember being fascinated by loofahs when I was a kid, and this new shower buddy of mine holds the same amount of fascination for me.


What exactly is this, and why do you need to be clicking add to cart? This Silk Exfoliating Glove does what it's name suggests it would do, but being crafted from 100% pure cocoon silk, this is actually also suitable for sensitive skin, as well as sensitive areas. It's also apparently ok to be used on certain skin conditions, such as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and keratosis pilaris. This is designed to help remove dead skin cells, allowing for better absorption of body lotion, resulting in rejuvenated skin with improved texture and tone.


I didn't realise initially that it was made from silk, so I was a little confused when I first got it out of the box, and thought it was oddly soft. Once I read the box, it all made sense to me! Don't be deceived by the fact that it's made from silk, however, this stuff will provide you with a smooth and even exfoliation that will have your skin feeling velvety clean. It's what I imagine a dolphin would feel like - all slippery and smooth. The glove is textured, but not scratchy, and great for helping me take the day off.


Beautie Galore came about as an outcome of the founder having various health issues, including endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome and hypothyroidism, and these led to hormonal imbalance, resulting in certain skin conditions, such as hormonal acne, body acne, hyperpigmentation and very dry skin, as well as sensitive skin. The collection is vegan and cruelty free. This retails for $31.95 each, and you can find them over here. Have you ever tried a silk exfoliating glove before?

*This product was provided for editorial consideration


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