Review: Fenty Beauty You Mist Makeup Extending Setting Spray
Fenty Beauty honestly feels like one of those brands that simply crash landed in my life, and I'm so grateful for it! I can still remember when I was initially introduced to the brand - I could not get enough of the Gloss Bomb! Fast forward a few years later, and I'm just as obsessed with it as I was previously, if not more so. I've been adding to my collection over time, and I recently picked up the Fenty Beauty You Mist Makeup Extending Setting Spray, which has been absolutely killer!
I've been using setting sprays for well over 15 years at this point, and I have a couple that are always my fall back/fail safe products. It's always easier to branch out too, when you have a holy grail in the back of your makeup caddy for when you can't be sure that you can rely on something new. However, spoiler, I have had some VERY sweaty days with You Mist Makeup Extending Setting Spray as my safety net, and it has been amazingly awesome, but more on that later!
So, why should you be looking to add this Fenty Beauty beauty to your shopping list? It's a hybrid skincare/makeup product that will extend makeup wear for up to 12 hours long, while also giving it a hit of moisture (provided by wild thyme extract - fancy!) that will keep your skin feeling loved. Lock it all in with their ultra-fine mist, making your makeup resistant to multiple things, such as sweat, humidity, water and transfer.
It's has something called InvisiFlex Shield to help protect the skin, and it's meant to prevent pollution from affecting the skin. This setting spray is suitable for all skin types, especially the babes with oil and blemish-prone skin. Additionally, this is also vegan and cruelty free, making it so that it truly is inclusive! This has a fairly pricey, sitting at about $46 per bottle, with each bottle holding 100ml of product.
The bottle itself feels like it's made of metal, maybe aluminium, with a pull off cap, which stays on quite nicely. I love that this setting spray does certainly come out as a light mist, which sits beautifully on the skin - I particularly love that this isn't spitty, which always makes me feel like it's actually taking my makeup off, rather than setting it in place! Since I started using this setting spray, we've hit some pretty steamy days here in Sydney, ranging from heavy, oppressive humidity, to big storms and overwhelming heat. Throughout that, I've actually exercised and power walked, and believe or not, this has held my makeup in place shockingly well! This is just about holy grail status - I've had days where even my eyeshadow didn't crease. I mean, that's incredible! If you're after a bottle of this for yourself, you can pick it up from Sephora! What's your favourite setting spray?
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