Review: T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel Face Wipes

The start of the week has rolled back around and it's time to get excited about beginning a new day! If you had the weekend off, then I hope you had a good one! I was a mix of working hard, and hardly working, with me going into work on Saturday, and briefly on Sunday, and having lots of down time with my cat, and significant other, on Saturday night, snuggled up on the couch watching a series while enjoying a mellow and smooth gin and tonic - what a life!


The weekend is also a good time to live my best makeup free life, and that's exactly what I did on Saturday the moment got home. It was off with the makeup, a nice hot shower, followed by me prepping my skin to look it's dewy best for a good night in, so that it could soak up all the active ingredients on it's own while I sat snacking on the couch. In order to get to that point quickly, I needed something effective and handy for removing my makeup, and I used the T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel Face Wipes.


For the longest time, I felt like T.N. Dickson's Witch Hazel Toner was the only brand on the market that did a witch hazel toner, and it does still feel like that to some extent, and that's not surprising, given that it's been around since 1866. The toner is said to be gentle enough for daily use, and meant to help clean and tone the skin to keep it clear and smooth, providing relief for oily, irritated and blemished skin, and it also has no artificial fragrances or dyes. I remember using this for the first time eons ago, and it serves up a nice dose of nostalgia to see it on the shelves.


I do like that they have now come out with the T.N. Dickinson's Face Wipes, as these combine the cleansing power of pure Witch Hazel with the moisturising goodness of aloe vera, which can also help to replenish and rejuvenate the skin. Each jar contains 60 pre-soaked pads, and these are designed to help with wiping away dirt, remove excess oil and gently exfoliate the skin, while cleansing, conditioning and cooling the skin.


The design of the jar is simple, but works well - the pads come stored in a white jar with a screw top and a blue and white label. I don't find this to have much of a scent, as promised, and this does leave my skin feel cooler. I find it to be quite effective at removing my makeup, but I would caution anyone using them to not place it close to the eyes, or you may end up with a slightly tingly sensation to the eyes! I have also used them on small irritations, like bug bites, to help reduce the itchiness. For about $11, this is a handy jar to keep around, but I feel like it would have more applications in the Summer for me. It's currently available in at Priceline, Chemist Warehouse and other retailers. What have you tried from the brand?

*These products were provided for editorial consideration


  1. Witch Hazel is used in making of 24K Gold Serum Witch Hazel bark, leaves and twigs are used to make Hazel extract, a liquid with clear mild fragrance. Its stem also has a unique chemical composition. It has antioxidants like gallic acid and catechins that have the capability to protect the skin from free radicals and other harmful particles. This versatility makes Witch Hazel a valuable ingredient in the cosmetic industry, suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive.


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