Review: Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hyaluronic Acid Night Cream

You might have noticed that I haven't been as present on Instagram and the blog, and I promise, there's a very good reason for that! For the first time in a long time, I had to take time off work, as I was struck down by the evil scourge that is the gastro bug that went around the family, which we very unfortunately brought home with us from a birthday gathering. Not having kids means generally being able to escape a curse such as this, but sadly, this time, it got my husband first, then I was next to follow, when I thought I'd managed to evade it's clutches. 


Theatrical writing aside, it's been a battle keeping myself hydrated, what with my fluid losses and being unable to keep anything down, including water. Thankfully, that wasn't the case for my skin, because, even though I was slowly dying (I'm not dramatic, I swear, I felt like 10 shades of bleurgh), I didn't actually skimp on my skincare routine. That's right, babes, there's no excuse for not taking your makeup off at the end of a long day - if I, doubled over in pain, and unable to function as a human being, could still put on my serum and night cream, then the least you can do is swipe at your skin in a cursory manner with some micellar water and a reusable pad.


But, of course, this isn't about me, this is about the awesome Neutrogena Hydro boost Hyaluronic Acid Night Cream! Neutrogena came out with their original Hydro Boost about 8 years ago (in fact, you can read all about it over here!) and I remember being so wowwed by the product, and excited when all the other Hydro Boost goodies came out. I was given the chance to try their Hyaluronic Acid Night Cream, and oh my, this was like falling in love with the OG all over again!


This incredibly hydrating night cream is filled with skin loving goodness that will have your skin looking and feeling more moisturised and smoother. This contains hyaluronic acid, amino acids, electrolytes and peptide, all crammed into one little jar to deliver amazing hydration, while also helping to strengthen the skin's moisture barrier. This is supposed to also improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin, helping to revitalise it for fresher, plumper skin.


This comes in a blue jar with a screw lid, and much like the rest of the range, the jar is a pretty blue. The cream is very much like a gel lotion, which is to say, it's quite light and bouncy, and absorption happens in a matter of seconds. For something that doesn't just sit on the skin, this does an amazing job of keeping my skin moisturised and helping it look and feel smooth. I love that the feeling doesn't go away with me cleansing my skin the following morning either! Definitely a product I'd recommend for anyone who's in the market for an affordable night cream. Available now at retailers like Priceline and Coles. What have you tried from the Hydro Boost range?

*This product was provided for editorial consideration


  1. Such a great review! The Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hyaluronic Acid Night Cream sounds like a skin savior—lightweight yet super hydrating. Definitely adding this to my skincare wishlist!


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