New Release: Nu Skin Sunright Insta Glow Tinted Self-Tanning Gel


Can you believe that we're almost at the end of Summer? I can't quite wrap my head around it, but hey, time keeps marching on, and soon, all of the most amazing things about Summer will start fading and disappearing into the distant past. As someone who takes sunscreen and skincare seriously, however, I do tend to get increasingly pigmented in the warmer months, thanks to being a generally more pigmented person than lots of others (being a person of colour does that) and I associate that with all the great things that's happened to me in the Summer, and as a result, I get a little sad when that fades into obscurity.

Thankfully, there are lots of products on the market to help you keep your tan going, no matter the season, and Nu Skin has now brought out a tube of something wonderful, and that's their Sunright Insta Glow Tinted Self-Tanning Gel! It sounds really fancy, but what exactly is it? Well, this is a moisturising gel that gives the skin a sunkissed and bronzed look instantly, but it also helps to create a more long term tan that looks pretty fabulous!


How does this actually work? While the gel is giving your skin that instant golden look, this continues to work it's magic, so that you can have an extended tan even after washing this off. This comes in a brown tube with a flip lid that makes getting it out a breeze. The gel consistency makes this an easy product to use, as it doesn't make a mess, and simply put, it is a really straightforward product to apply.


We're talking an instant glow/self tanning product that dries down within 15 minutes, and looks streak free. For those who are concerned, this also has the bonus of not rubbing off onto clothes, which means that I can be comfortable wearing what I feel like putting on, rather than planning my outfit around something that's been applied onto my skin! I know that it seems almost trivial, but, you guys, have you ever looked at that stunning white playsuit on a hot day, after applying a shimmer product? Yeah, then you know what I'm referring to!


It's certainly a self tanner that's worth investing in, if simply by the virtue that this is a great apply and go product that makes your skin look healthier, smoother and more bronzed This nifty little product is also apparently something that you can build up on the skin, if you're looking for a deeper shade. It's a product that's left an impression, and tan, on me. Make sure you always exfoliate before applying a self tanner to help extend the life of your fake tan! This retails for $49 for 125 ml of self tanner, and you can find it over here

*This product was provided for editorial consideration


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