Review: ASLAN Volanic Ash and Australian White Clay Exfoliant


How nice has it been to get a bit of slightly cooler weather again, after that strange heat pocket we hit for about five days? I know, people are hard to please - it's too cold, it's too hot... I mean, we're basically Goldilocks, looking for that just right sweet spot. But I digress. If you follow me on Instagram, which you hopefully do, and if you don't, let me know how I can entice you to, then the ASLAN Volcanic Ash and Australian White Clay Exfoliant may be familiar to you! 


I love clay based products - total aside, but there is a kind of pre- and post-biotic product for pets that includes clay in it, and I love that too, that's how much I love clay - and this is no exception! Thsi claims to be a triple action chemical exfoliant that combines 1.5% Salicylic Acid (BHA), Volcani Ash and Australian White Clay. This is meant to help encourage skin renewal by gently and effectively drawing out and dissolving excess oil, impurities and grime, so that you can be left with a clean, even, smooth and bright surface.


This is meant to be suitable for babes with enlarged pores, excess oil,  those who suffer from breakouts and blemishes, as well as areas of redness and inflammation, and blackheads. This is also supposed to be good for those with acne prone skin, or as part of post acne treatment. The instructions state that you're meant to ease your skin into it by starting off by using it once a week to begin with, then ramping it up to two to three times a week.


This comes in a clear tube with a black flip lid, making for easy access to the cleanser. A little squeeze of this produces a decent amount of it, and I mix this with a bit of water (whatever is left on my face after using my cream cleanser) and rub it into my skin in rotational strokes. I have, after getting used to it, applied this directly onto dry skin, making for a slightly more intense experience for my skin, working it into the skin before adding water. It's not something I'd do very often, but it's great for the super hot and sweaty days. 


This exfoliant is supposed to help remove dead skin cells, while also unclogging pores, reducing acne scarring and managing hyperpigmentation, as well as reducing acne scarring, and hydrating and soothing the skin, on top of everything else. I love that this doesn't dry out the skin, and that this has a smooth and creamy texture, relying instead on a chemical exfoliant rather than a physical one. When I use this, I concentrate it on the areas around my nose and hairline, and it makes my tricky areas so much happier and smoother once I wash it off. This definitely doesn't break the bank, sitting at just $36 for a generously sized tube. Totally worth it, and you can find it over here.

*These products were provided for editorial consideration


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