Review: Kenzina Rejuvenating Eye Mask
Happy Sunday! I'm sure you're all as over this pandemic as I am, because of the multiple interruptions it has brought to our lives, but also more importantly, we all know someone who has been unwell as a result of this, and how hard it was for them. Now, more than ever, we need to embrace the moments of relaxation when we can, so that we can be ready to fight another day. I've been trying a little something awesome to help me reset my mind, while looking after my peepers, so that I can appear less tired.
I've been using the Kenzina Rejuvenating Under-Eye Masks, which aren't just a pretty thing (for your face). These come in a white container with a screw lid, and it contains 30 pairs of patches. My first thought, when I opened the container, was that these patches were the cutest things, sitting there in the jar, all pink and shimmery.
They contain coconut and peppermint extract, and are infused with Hyaluronic Acid, Antioxidants, Niacinamide, Vitamin E and Volufilineâ„¢ and together, these are designed to hydrate, cool, sooth and reduce the puffiness of the under eye area. These are also supposed to help reduce wrinkles and fine lines while keeping the plumping up the skin around the eyes, improving collagen production and skin elasticity.
I love the sheer amount of pink, shimmery girliness that shines out at you immediately when you remove the cap. These are relatively easy to remove from the packaging, and they tend to stick to the skin very nicely. I really like that they are quite cooling on the under eye area, and I feel like these do help in reducing the puffiness of the skin under my eyes (thanks for the extra workload, COVID).
As for the fine lines and wrinkles, I don't know that these do a huge amount for them, but it does feel like I've infused my skin with a bit of extra hydration after using these babies. In short, don't expect a miracle, but these are good as a perk-me-up for the eyes, and I find them handy as part of my arsenal on the dresser. They retail for $55, and you can grab a jar of these little peeper helpers over here.
*This product was provided for editorial consideration
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