Review: Gisou Honey Infused Hair Oil

Hair can be such a tricky beast! There's a reason that people talk about the sometimes elusive good hair day - I mean, there's even a hair appliance brand named after it, with GHD straighteners being the talk of the town for many years. I don't think that we can underestimate the importance of a good hair day - it can add a boost to your self confidence, or even strip that away - it truly is the crown that you wear all the time! And given my passion for colouring my hair regularly, it's important to me to take care of it, while simultaneously wrecking it - after all, there has to be a bit of give and take.


There's one brand that I've seen pop up on Instagram multiple times over the last few years, and while it's always sounded really appealing to me, I never quite got around to trying it until now. I was so happy to see it in my advent calendar last year, and knew that I had to make a post on it! The Gisou Honey Infused Hair Oil is what it sounds like - a hair oil that has Mirsalehi Honey as it's hero ingredient to help hydrate the hair, give it a shine boost, while also obliterating frizz and protecting it from heat up to 230°C.


There are also Bee Garden Oils. which is a proprietary 8-Oil blend that is rich in antioxidants and Omegas 3, 6 and 9, all designed to help nourish, strengthen and provide long-lasting moisture. This can be used a number of different ways - either dropped into hair masks for that added boost of moisture, as an overnight treatment, prior to styling to give the hair that bit of shine and nourishment or as a quick touch up throughout the day to get rid of flyaways and give it that sheen.


I love that it can be used several different ways, and that it also has quite a delicious scent to it. This comes in a clear glass bottle with a dropper, allowing for the user to titrate the exact amount that they are after. I would say to use this sparingly, as I have come to realise that a little goes a very long way. I find rubbing about three drops to damp hair to be the sweet spot - it leaves me with soft, lovely shiney hair that still has some shape and bounce to it, which I love. It makes my hair feel gorgeous and soft, and I can't help but touch my hair regularly when I've used this!

While it doesn't weigh my hair down, I find that if I'm a little heavy handed with this (ie anything more than 3 drops), it can result in my hair feeling a little greasy and looking somewhat separated about 36 hours later. Where it seems to make the most difference is at the ends of my hair - it really helps with making it so that I can run a brush through my tresses without hitting any major roadblocks. This is available at Mecca in two sizes - 20ml and 50ml, sitting at $41 and $76 respectively, and you can find it over here. This is really easy to like, and not prohibitively expensive, making it so that it's a hair oil that everyone can try! Have you tried the Gisou Honey Infused Hair Oil?


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