Review: Esfolio Gold Snail Hydrogel Eye Patch

I think I can always tell when it's the school holidays here in Sydney by the sheer volume of cases and cats, and often, accompanying children, that come through the door of the clinic, not to mention the noise that they can come in with! We've been swept off our feet, and not in the romantic way that I used to dream of in my teen years. Rather, it's been a busy time in clinic, and I feel like it's starting to show on my face. 


Speaking of my teen years, I think if you'd told me then that I would be excited to try something with the word snail in the name, I would have run screaming from the room. Perhaps not quite that dramatically, but close. Suffice to say, I don't think I would have been quite that adventurous back when I was a teenager, but hey, at that time, I was blissfully unaware of the weird and wonderful world of beauty therapies that involved things like vampire facials, rectal ozone therapy (what?), urotherapy and vaginal steaming, and had I known then what I know now, I would have found the combination of snail secretion and gold to be far tamer, by comparison.


Because that is precisely what the Esfolio Gold Snail Hydrogel Eye Patch is all about! These patches are said to help hydrate the delicate under eye region, while also nourishing and revitalising the skin, restoring elasticity to the area. They come in a white jar that contains 60 individual patches that you have to fish out with the help of a spatula, and when I apply them, these feel cool on my skin.


While I wouldn't consider these to be groundbreaking products, I think they make a great adjunctive therapy to my regular rotation, in that I feel like these do make a bit of a difference to my skin. Infused with colloidal gold, snail secretion and arbutin, these transparent patches, which have gold flecks running through them, feel like they are helping to hydrate the skin.


I haven't found them to markedly make a difference to the under eye region otherwise, in terms of dark circles, or even puffiness, but it doesn't hurt to use them regularly! At under $30 for a jar, and in some cases, you can get them on sale massively, it won't break the bank to try it for yourself. I got mine from Beauty Amora, and you can find it over here. It's certainly been a fun product to use! Have you tried anything containing snail extract before?

*This product was provided for editorial consideration


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