Review: Tanzee Self Tan Bed Sheet Protector

'Tis the season - for that golden glow, of course! If you've been craving a bit of vitamin D for that delicious bronze colour that will make you look healthier and fitter with legs that seem to just stretch for miles, just remember, it comes with a side of sunburn, skin damage and possible melanoma formation. Bit too realistic for you? Sorry, being sun safe is such a massive thing, I feel like, as much as it seems like a good idea, it's definitely not ideal in the long run - or the short run for that matter, with having to suffer through sore, inflamed skin that causes you wince every time you move.


Thankfully, for those of us who love that sunkissed look, but you'd rather do without all the unpleasant side effects that the golden orb in the sky can inflict, you can achieve the same outcome by self marinating. That is, lashings of self tanner on carefully prepped skin, designed to make you look like you spent your Summer on the beach in Greece, rather than just coming out of Winter, and straight into a Spring that has you dodging rainstorms, thank to La Nina. 


However, fake baking comes with it's own set of drawbacks, and that is namely the time it takes to get that glow. Firstly, you have to prep your skin by exfoliating, shaving and moisturising regularly to make sure that you don't hit any rough patches that would result in you having flaky skin that doesn't look very cohesive with the rest of you. Then, you have to pick a self tanner - are you after a gradual tanner? 1 hour? Overnight? If so, what do you do about your sheets and your clothes? There are a lot of factors to keep in mind, and over the next few posts, I intend to walk you  through all that, but, in the meantime, I'm laying ground work for you, by laying it out there - you need to get your hands on some Tanzee!


Tanzee embraces your skin, quite literally, by being the protector of your tan, and pulling double duty as the guardian of your sheets. Made from vegan microfiber art silk, it is designed to prevent excessive absorption of moisture from hair and skin, helping to keep it all on the skin instead. I like that this has a satin-y feel to it, and sleeping in it is very comfortable. I also like that this means your tan will come out smoother, and you won't have to battle with your significant other over ruining a set of sheets - yet again.


This comes in 2 colours, black and rose gold, so you can get one of each to match your mood at the time, and 2 sizes, which gives you flexibility in choosing if you're looking to cocoon yourself, or share the love with someone else. With a set up like that, the hardest part is going to be having to pick what colour to use! Having used this, I can honestly say that it lived up to my idea of what it was going to do, and I now have happier sheets and an even happier partner! For your own set of goodness, you can head over to their website to grab your own. Do you have self tanning plans coming up with the warmer weather hitting?

*This product was provided for editorial consideration


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