Review: Mauli Sleep Dharma Pillow Mist


They say a good night's sleep will fix everything, and while that's not true, it certainly will fix a lot of things, and it's definitely good for your health, both mental and physical. As someone who has been very fortunate with her sleep patterns for a lot of her life, I can honestly say that this doesn't tend to be a major problem for me. However, I do know that there are various things that can contribute to a poor night's sleep, including the lack of exercise, stress, and a questionable diet, and that I certainly have noticed less desirable sleep patterns as I've gotten older. 

As such, there are moments when I need all the help I can get! That said, I am a big fan of pillow mists, regardless of whether there are ongoing issues with my sleep pattern or not, and the Mauli Sleep Dharma Pillow Mist has certainly topped my list. I was introduced to the brand a few months ago by Net-A-Porter's Advent Calender, when I decided to splash out on a little something for me, from me. If you're in the market for a bougie, but effective, sleep mist, then this may very well be the one for you. 


Presented in an amber bottle with a misting spray, this has a number of a number of key ingredients to help you achieve your deepest slumber, so that you may awaken refreshed, and ready to take on the world. There is bergamot for helping to reduce stress and anxiety, making it so that there is overall less tension in the body. The inclusion of lavender is to help give a sedative effect, and spiritually, meant to help encourage inner peace. 


Chamomile is added as a gentle oil to help keep your spirits up, while marjoram keeps you grounded, keeping nightmares and endless inner dialogues at bay, and also has the added benefit of clearing mucus so that you can sleep better. Vetiver is known to help relax the mind and body, and clary safe is also present to promote inner strength to help keep you calm. Finally, geranium is added to help promote emotional stability, while also helping to alleviate pain.


With all those ingredients, who wouldn't love it? Since using it, I feel like I have actually had less 'sleep/wake' moments in the middle of the night, and that my sleep is just a little bit smoother. The scent is richer than other pillow mists that I've used previously, and  I've enjoyed using this so much that I'm onto my second bottle!This bottle retails for just under $40, and you can find them over here.


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