Review: Lush Rosy Cheeks Fresh Face Mask


I love Lush! I know that it's been a very long time since I last featured them on the blog, but running through the same shower gels that I've always loved isn't something particularly blog worthy, and it's been a while since I've tried something different from them, so it's exciting for me to talk about Lush today! I was in the mood for a little something fun the other day, but also feeling a little broke, and thought I'd pop in and finally do my Lush pot swap.


For those who don't know that that is, Lush has a recycling programme, which may actually be one of my favourite ones out there, where you can trade in five empty pots from them for a face mask, or, as I learned a while back, you can also swap empty pots for $1 off your purchase, per pot, so if you're not after a new face mask, and you'd rather than a discount on a bath bomb instead, you now have the freedom to do that as a swap instead!

The range of face masks has gotten quite extensive, and I took a while, but I chose the Rosy Cheeks Fresh Face Mask because I wanted to try something that was new to me, and I found the scent very appealing. This is designed for those who are wanting a face mask that can soothe, balance and mattify the skin. I know that I'm probably not the right demographic for this mask, given that my skin is normal to dry and I'm all about that dewy life, but when the hotter months hit, my skin does get a little oily, and having a face mask like this doesn't hurt.


It comes in the little black pot that we're all familiar with, and one that you can add to your collection for a future face mask, and given the fresh ingredients, it's recommended that you keep this in the fridge, and you're supposed to you it up within 28 days. This contains kaolin, which accounts for that clay texture, as well as fresh rose petal infusion, which gives it the beautiful scent. There is also calamine powder, rose clay and rose oil included in the formula.


This is quite thick, and spreads beautifully on the skin. It is a light pink colour, and the fragrance sticks around for the entirety of the 10 - 15 minutes that this is sitting on the skin, which makes it almost a bit like aromatherapy while you're indulging in a bit of self care. I like how it makes my skin feel immediately afterwards, and I find it to be a great way to cool down after a big hot afternoon. It retails for $18 and you can find more information it over here. What's your favourite Lush face mask?


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